I like to apply my Bible reading to my life, so before I sat down to my grilled cheese and cheesy broccoli soup this afternoon, I intentionally did not wash my hands (nor did I wash them before preparing my delicious little feast). You see, I read Matthew 15-17 this morning and in chapter 15 the religious leaders said to Jesus, "why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands when they eat?" And Jesus basically tells the religious leaders that they are hypocrites because they are more concerned with their religious traditions than with honoring God with their hearts. Jesus says that what goes in your mouth is not what defiles people, but rather it is what comes out of your mouth that defiles people. He said that out of the overflow of your heart your mouth speaks, and that the religious leaders ought to be a little more concerned about the self-righteous, judgmental garbage that was spewing out of their mouths, and a little less concerned about the dirty hands going into the disciples' mouths.
So I figure if non-handwashing is good enough for Peter, James, and John; then it is good enough for me. I hate washing my hands anyways--it is such a drag.
Perhaps that's not the primary application of this teaching of Jesus. Perhaps the primary application is that Jesus' primary concern is not with our physical actions and not even our words--his primary concern is the condition of our heart.
I once heard the story of a foul mouthed coach who went to his pastor for help. He told his pastor that he had a cussing problem. The pastor replied, you don't have a cussing problem. You've got a heart problem.
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