As I am reading through The Gospel of Matthew I see a pattern in the beginning chapters. In 1-4 the preparation for ministry -- In 5-7 the teaching ministry -- In 8-9 the miraculous ministry. In chapters 8-9 Jesus heals the sick, raises the dead, controls nature, casts out demons, and forgives sins. He heals some by touching them, others by being touched, and others simply by his words. Some are healed because of their faith, others because of the faith of friends, and others there is no mention of faith at all. These chapters play like a highlight reel of Jesus' miracles on earth, and I think 9:36 provides a good summary, "When He saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless like sheep with out a shepherd."
When I look out at crowds of people I typically see "wealthy / poor / religious / secular / attractive / unattractive / cool / loser / sick / healthy / etc." Do I see more variety than Jesus did, or am I merely seeing the masks that people wear? I think when Jesus looked out on the crowds he saw people's hearts--he saw through their mask to their core. He saw past the designer suite to the helpless soul inside; past the dirty, worn clothes to the harassed inner spirit.
All I can see are the masks, but I trust that the souls of humanity haven't changed much since Jesus' time. I believe that just as many people are harassed and helpless today, but do I share in Jesus' compassion? The next verse is 9:37, "the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." If I share in His compassion, then I will labor alongside Him and bring hope to the harassed and helpless.
May compassion motivate me to labor with Him in the harvest.
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