Psalm 51:12, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit." This is a verse that I have had memorized for a long time. I would always think of it when I was feeling discouraged or disappointed about my faith. The hope was that my joy would return so that I wouldn't be down in the dumps, because being down in the dumps is a drag. I would much prefer to be happy.
But this morning I read Psalm 51:13 as well. It says, "Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you." It sounds to me like the Psalmist wants his joy to return, not so he can he can have personal happiness in his soul, but so that he can better share the gospel.
If I am not careful my faith can become very self-centered. It's all about me feeling good, so that I can feel good. These verses remind me that my ultimate purpose is not to make myself feel good, but to help others connect to God. Both perspectives require restored joy, but for very different purposes.
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