Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year's 2012

I started this blog in January of 2011 as a New Year's resolution.  Surprise, surprise--I did not keep up with it much after March.  But I will not be defeated in the ongoing battle with New Years!  The evil spirit of New Year's resolutions may have won the battle of 2011, but I will win the battle of 2012.

This year I am committed to reading through the Bible.  I will use "The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Journal" and each day I will journal my thoughts on the particular passage.  I will post those thoughts here.

I would love it if you would join me on this journey.

New Year's Resolution 2012 . . . let the battle begin . . . (I also am resolving to exercise more in 2012, but I plan on failing in that one.)


  1. I would like to accompany you on the journey through the Bible in 2012. However, I make no commitments whatsoever to any type of exercise regimen. That is all.

  2. Ok, Jeff. Let's keep in touch on our progress.
